Bristol Council

Key Contact

Finance contact for all services

Rachel Metcalfe:

For any payment / invoicing issue:

Pharmacy Contract

Sexual Health and Supervised Consumption Pharmacy Contract 2017-19 final

Annex B Safeguarding

Adverse incident reporting Annex C Clinical Governance

Extensions issued March 2024 for Sexual Health and Supervised Consumption

Expired Services and Extensions

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Extension to 31st March 2022  Pharmacy Letter – Extension & Variation 

Sexual Health Services Annex D Spec 2020-2022 including contacts and payments

Appendix 3 – Appendix 3 Pharmacy Unity Condom Order Form

Supervised Consumption

Supervised Consumption extension to 31st Jan 2023 Pharmacy Letter – Extension & Variation

Supervised Consumption Services Annex E Spec 2020-2023 including contacts and payments

Public Health Contract Extension Letter (until 30/09/2019)

Pharmacy Sexual Health Contract variation_Jul 2018

Sexual Health

Key Contact

Emily Lloyd –

Unity Chlamydia Screening Team, Bristol Sexual Health Team, Tower Hill, Bristol, BS2 0JD

Email address for Chlamydia testing –

Unity Sexual Health Website

Tel: 0117 3429299

The FSRH (The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare) guidance on contraceptive choices / emergency contraception for transgender and non-binary people and their partners.

The Local Authorities in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire want to ensure that local sexual health services, advice and guidance on emergency contraception / contraception and the BNSSG C Card scheme are inclusive for transgender and non-binary people.  The FSRH CEU Statement: Contraceptive Choices and Sexual Health for Transgender and Non-Binary People (October 2017) – Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare provides guidance for transgender and non-binary people and their partners, who are engaging in vaginal sex where there is a risk of pregnancy. The statement also offers general sexual health advice for these groups.  It is important for pharmacists to be familiar with the guidance as it provides helpful information to support relevant consultations / advice and guidance.  

Service Specification and PGD

Azithromycin-chlamydia-National-PGD FINAL-Apr-23

Doxycycline-chlamydia-National-PGD FINAL Apr 23

Ulipristal-National-PGD- FINAL Mar 23

Levonorgestrel-National-PGD- FINAL Mar 23

Useful weblinks and FAQs

e-LFH-Easy-Guide 2022

Sexual health services FAQs updated Oct 2023

Signposting and resource ordering for patient

FSRH CEU Statement: Contraceptive Choices and Sexual Health for Transgender and Non-Binary People (October 2017) – Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

Unity Sexual Health Services – Current Provider of the BNSSG Sexual Health Contract

Unity website

What is Unity?

Pharmacy Welcome Letter

BNSSG pathway September 2022

Sexual Health Clinics

BNSSG SH clinics updated 20 07 2017

Expired Service Specs and PGDs

Azithromycin PGD FINAL valid from 1st March 2022

Doxycycline PGD FINAL valid from 1st March 2022

BNSSG EHC and Chlamydia PGD exp Feb 2022

Levonorgesterol PGD FINAL valid from 1st March 2022

Ulipristal PGD FINAL valid from 1st March 2022

Safeguarding Information

If you have concerns that anyone (child or adult) is at risk of immediate harm call 999

If you’re concerned that a child (under 18) in Bristol is at risk of being abused or neglected contact the First Response Team on 0117 903 6444 or submit a safeguarding referral through the online form

If you’re concerned that an adult with care and support needs in Bristol at risk of being abused or neglected contact Care Direct on 0117 922 2700 or submit a safeguarding referral through the online form.

You can submit safeguarding referrals for adults and children whether you are a professional or a member of the public. Outside of working hours you can call the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615 165

Annex B Safeguarding

The NHS has an app with useful information, click here for the link

Bristol Domestic Abuse Pharmacies letter Lockdown 2


Support to Stop Smoking

Key Contact

Rachel Metcalfe

Service Specification

There is currently no Support to Stop Smoking Service in Bristol.

Bristol City Council Pharmacists – Stop Smoking Letter and Stop Smoking Evidence

Training – no smoking advisors being trained currently as no service

Supervised Consumption

Key Contact

Paul Moores,

Service Specification

See contract at top to page

BDP Helpline

0117 9876000

Needle Exchange

Key Contact

Maggie Telfer,

Service Specification

Service Level Agreement for Needle and Syringe Provision

Service contracted by BDP (0117 9876000)

Alcohol Interventions

Key Contact

Rachel Metcalfe :

Service Specification – no service currently commissioned

Expired Services and Extensions

Service Specification for pharmacies

Other information

Bristol Health and Wellbeing Board

PNA 2022-2025

Health Watch Bristol

Healthwatch Contact Details

Phone – 07944369180 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm)

Email –

Website –