BANES Council

Key Contact

Virgin Care,

Pharmacy Contract

New contract extension for 2024-25 was sent directly to pharmacies on the 4th April, please check your emails for this. This variation order details the increase payment from £1 to £2.50 for each supervised opiate substitution. The original contract expired on 31st March 2024, with the extension letter covering the contract from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025.

Virgin Care LTD Pharmacy (Bath and NE Somerset) NHS Sub-contract 2021

New Supplier Form – Virgin Care Services Limited – to provide bank details etc.  Please email to procurement

Useful links

Sexual Health

Key Contact

Paul Sheehan, 01225 394065,

C Card Flowchart

C Card Flow Chart_Nov 2019

Service Specification and PGD

Doxycycline PGD Nov 2022

BaNES-Levonorgestrel-CP-PGD – July 2023

Expired PGDs

FINAL B&NES Levonorgesterol PGD June 2021

Levonorgesterol PGD template extension Aug23

Levonelle PGD (Expired)


Safeguarding Information 

BANES Safeguarding 


The sexual health training programme is currently at reduced capacity due to Covid-19. If you require new training or a training update please provide contact and we will try and meet your needs.

For Chlamydia Test and Treat

Chlamydia kits can be ordered from the Avon Chlamydia Screening Office at 0117 342 9299 or by emailing .  Please allow 10 working days for orders to be processed.

SAFE BANES website can be found  at is for young people who live in Bath and North East Somerset and provides advice on relationships, sexual health and sexual wellbeing.  It has been fully redesigned in collaboration with local young people.

On the website you can find information and advice on free condoms (C Card); contraceptionemergency contraceptionsexually transmitted infections (STIs)pregnancysexual and gender identityand relationships

SAFE PROMOTIONAL POSTER – Promoting the website     

SAFE ‘HERE TO LISTEN NOT TO TELL’ – Explains the confidentiality aspect of SAFE services

SAFE BLANK POSTER – For services own message or for promoting interventions or services


SAFE WINDOW STICKER (For SAFE branded venues only)

Please order updated resources to replace any existing SAFE posters or resources displayed.

Please click here for the full list of resources available and order form.

Support to Stop Smoking

Key Contact

Cathy McMahon, 01225 394064,

Service Specification

See sub sections of main contract at top of page

Support to Stop Smoking Services

If your pharmacy is interested in signing up for this service please  email for more information.

Varenicline Supply – Update August 2023

Following the initial disruption to supply of varenicline (Champix) in June 2021 because of the presence of nitrosamines above the acceptable level of daily intake, Pfizer announced a wholesale and pharmacy recall of Champix in October 2021

A nitrosamine-compliant, unlicensed varenicline supply is now available in the UK and the documents below give details of this medication and how it can be obtained.

Thistle Pharma who supplies the product have produced some useful information sheets for prescribers, services and patients. Information  about how pharmacies can order the product, reimbursement and PILS can all be found in the Information for Services and Information for Practitioners Information sheets.

Please click here for information

You can now qualify as a stop smoking practitioner by completing the NCSCT online training
You will also need to contact Julie Harrington (details below)to let her know you have a team member starting the course so that she can arrange to come to your pharmacy to give some support to your team member when they start the course.
If you have any questions please contact Julie Harrington
Phone 01225 831852
Health Checks

Key Contact

Cathy McMahon, 01225 394064,

Service Specification

See sub sections of main contract at top of page

Supervised Consumption

Key Contact

Carol Stanaway, 01225 477971,

Service Specification

See sub sections of main contract at top of page

Needle Exchange

Key Contact

Carol Stanaway, 01225 477971,

Service Specification

See sub sections of main contract at top of page