BSW Patient Group Directions

Updated 31st Jan 2024

  • Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) CCG have commissioned community pharmacy to deliver the following Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
    • Hydrocortisone – Children aged 1 to 10 and use on the face in patients over 1 year
    • Chloramphenicol ointment from 31 days to under 2 years old
  • The PGD allows a pharmacist to issue a prescription only medicine (POM) in certain clinical situations without the need for a prescription
  • Patients can access the service via the following routes
    • Can self-present by walking into the pharmacy
    • Referred from the GP
      • Either using the GP Pharmacy First Service
      • Informal referral
    • NHS111 referral

Jan 31st 2024 – BBSW have decommissioned the UTI, Impetigo and Sore Throat PGD as of 31.01.2024 when they became part of the NHS Pharmacy First Service.

Finding a Pharmacy

The pharmacy’s highlighted in Green on this map are accredited to provide the PGD’s.  Please contact the pharmacy to confirm availability of this service.

Information for the pharmacy to go live

For a pharmacy to go live on the local BSW service they must have attended the face to face training session. However, the face to face training has been recorded and by watching the video you will still meet the criteria for attending face to face training

From there, the lead pharmacist will be expected to cascade the information to the rest of the pharmacy team and other pharmacists working in the pharmacy.

.Face to face training video 

The training evening slides can be found here


Print off and have the PGDs available in the pharmacy – available on BSW CCG portal.

Sign each PGD in the pharmacy you are working in

Prerequisite training for the pharmacist to complete prior to delivering the service – all online

Complete the following online training
CPPE Level 2 Safeguarding CPPE Consultation Skills CPPE Sepsis Training eLFH Antimicrobial Resistance Training
Read the following CCG guidelines
Antimicrobial Stewardship RCGP TARGET Antibiotic Toolkit

Support Materials for GP Practices

Aid memoire sheet