SCR Examples

You will find a list of examples of when pharmacies have accessed SCR and the benefits obtained

A patient does not have to be present.  You can access a record if it is the best interest of the patient that you obtain the information.

As well as considering appropriate patient confidentiality, you must also consider the consequences of not accessing a summary care record.


Emergency supply of medication to a patient who is not registered on you PMR – This means you can accurately identify the medicines required.

When recommending OTC treatments, it helps to avoid drug interactions if you don’t believe you have a full PMR for the patient – safe sale of medicines or correct advice given.

If a carer or relative presents in the pharmacy and is unsure about medicines taken, then you may consider that it is the patients best interest to access the record without their explicit permission – Safe sale or medicines or correct advice given.

If a patient cannot remember what the Dr prescribed, then you can access SCR – Enables you to safely advise a the patient

For all scripts (EPS and non EPS) you can see when the last prescription was issued and what for – This saves time in contacting the surgery. (to note, you can use the EPS Script Tracker to locate EPS scripts)